BRC20 Exchange

BRC-EX is a platform to exchange BRC-20 tokens directly on-chain, operating on a peer-to-peer (P2P) mechanism.

Why P2P Exchange?

The role of the P2P platform is to simply match buyers and sellers for a small fee, but it does not hold assets and users transfer their funds to a personal wallet right after the transaction has taken place.

A Bitcoin P2P exchange is the natural marketplace for the top cryptocurrency where privacy, censorship resistance and security are best guaranteed versus centralized services. Using P2P exchanges along with cold storage means embracing the Bitcoin ecosystem and supporting it against attacks.

How does BRC-EX work?

BRC-EX uses partially signed bitcoin trading (PSBT) to help buyers and sellers transact P2P.

A Partially Signed Bitcoin Transaction (PSBT) is a Bitcoin standard that facilitates portability of unsigned transactions, which allows multiple parties to easily sign the same transaction. This is most useful when multiple parties wish to add inputs to the same transaction. PSBT was introduced by BIP 174, and allows users to more easily sign transactions on a cold storage device and then broadcast the signed transaction from a device connected to the internet.

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