Step 2: Minting Your BRC-20 Tokens

UniSat points are points users earn for performing various different functions on the web application. Each function a user performs they receive 1 point. Earning points is a good idea because it is one way you can use the BRC-20 Marketplace for buying and selling tokens (you need 20 points or an OG pass). Without those points the Marketplace is in a read only mode.

Get point by Minting your BRC-20 Tokens:

After choosing one of the in progress tokens from the brc-20 list, click the "mint directly" button and follow the process.

At this location, you can mint your BRC20 token and swiftly accumulate points. Setting the repeat mint value to 20x will reward you with 20 points once the tokens are mint. Opting to keep the repeat value at its default 1 will grant you 1 point.

Last updated